by Demmy Verbeke, KU Leuven Libraries [1] Recent reflections on the push for Open Access (OA), sometimes driven by discussions about the implementation of Plan S, frequently point out negative financial implications. In spite of high hopes and expectations, it is argued that a switch to OA, when realized through working with the same publishing…
Author: tomwillaert
Research Data Management for Trustworthy Science. An interview with Johan Philips
Johan Philips holds MA degrees in Informatics (Computer Science) and Artificial Intelligence from KU Leuven. In 2012 he obtained a PhD in robotics and has since worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the KU Leuven robotics lab. Recently, Johan obtained a permanent position within the Research Management staff as a Research Expert on Reproducible and…
Through the Black Hole of Information. Friedel Geeraert on building a Belgian Web Archive
Friedel Geeraert holds MA degrees in History (KU Leuven), Sustainable Development (Uppsala University), and Information and Communication Science and Technology (Université Libre de Bruxelles). Since 2017, she is a researcher on the PROMISE project at the State Archives of Belgium and the Royal Library of Belgium. The PROMISE project paves the way towards a Belgian…
When tech meets art. An interview with Dries Depoorter
Dries Depoorter is an artist working with technology. His work addresses themes such as artificial intelligence, privacy, and surveillance. Among his creations are apps, games, and interactive installations. Dries’s artwork is situated both online as well as in the physical space and spans a range of different media. His latest project is Die with me,…
Fostering Innovation and Creativity on the Web. Ruben Verborgh on Solid.
Ruben Verborgh is a Professor at Ghent University – imec. Ruben’s research is situated in the field of web technology, specifically in Linked Data and the Semantic Web. Rather than focusing on big data, he explores questions of small data, that is, what can we do with the huge amount of small datasets on the…
Restricted Access. Maarten Vanhoof on Modelling Social Behaviour with Phone Data.
Maarten Vanhoof is a postdoctoral researcher at University College London. He holds bachelor and master degrees in Geography from KU Leuven and the Free University Brussels (VUB), and an MA degree in Cultural Studies from KU Leuven. He spent three years of his PhD at Orange Labs in France, where he worked on mobile phone…
Open Data, Government and the City. A Conversation with Nils Walravens
Nils Walravens is a senior researcher at IMEC and the SMIT research group at the Free University of Brussels (VUB). He obtained a PhD in Media and Communication Studies with a thesis on smart city business models (2016). His research takes a broad perspective on the role of governments in smart cities, exploring among others…